The NeoFinder store uses secure ordering with FastSpring (Credit Cards, GiroPay, Purchase Orders, etc.)

Purchase new NeoFinder Mac 8.x Licenses

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         License Types    -   Purchase FAQ

All prices in US-Dollars , except where noted.

You need one license for every computer you use NeoFinder on.

In EU countries, 19% VAT may be added, but the full amount will always be displayed. If you have a VAT-ID, please contact us first.

FastSpring may add sales taxes in some US states or other countries, depending on local tax laws.

*The NeoFinder Mac Private license allows installation on up to three of your personal Macs.

Prices are subject of change without further notice.

License Expansions

Expand the number of your existing NeoFinder licenses at any time.
Just send us an email and we will give you a price quotation. We also offer user packages in any sizes.

Buy Upgrades from NeoFinder 7.x, NeoFinder 6.x, and CDFinder

Upgrades require a valid CDFinder, NeoFinder 7.x, or NeoFinder 6.x license of the same number of users
(or for a cross-grade, a valid license of the other product)

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NeoFinder for iPhone and iPad

This side-kick for your iPhone or iPad is available in the Apple iOS App Store.

NeoFinder for Windows

Try abeMeda for Windows (was CDWinder) from Andy Becherer, it will use your NeoFinder catalogs seamlessly! You can even share the catalogs on a file server!

Cross Grades from other products

Purchase a Cross-Grade to a NeoFinder Private License for only 25 USD! Select the option "NeoFinder Private License Upgrade" in the Upgrades section above.

We accept valid licenses of Cinematica, PhotoSupreme, ACDSee Pro, DiskTracker, DiskLibrary, CatFinder, Lyn, FileFinder, CatDV, AtomicView, DiskCatalogMaker, iView Media, Phase One Media Pro, Canto Cumulus, Extensis Portfolio, PhotoMechanic, WhereIsIt (Windows), Broken Cross Disk Manager (Windows), Advanced Disk Catalog (ADC for Windows), Wincatalog (Windows), and CDWinder for Windows.

If you have another similar application you wish to use for the cross-grade offer, please contact us.

Other Purchase Options

We also offer payments by electronic bank transfer, and purchase order , please just contact us.

Is this a subscription?

No! Not at all.
Once you purchase your NeoFinder Mac license, you can continue using it with the appropriate major version of NeoFinder for as long as you like. It is entirely up to you if you want to upgrade to a newer major version of NeoFinder in the future.

Refund Policy

As we offer a fully functional** free NeoFinder Demo version, and electronic license keys cannot really be returned once issued, we cannot offer refunds. The only exception are purchases of the wrong license type, or duplicate purchases made in error.
(**the demo version is limited to 10 catalogs, but should you need more for testing, you can contact us for a more complete demo license, too)
In these cases, we will require a written and legally binding statement asking for the refund, and legally binding stating that the license key you have received that was refunded is destroyed and all files related to it are actually permanently deleted.


Norbert M. Doerner
Wachsbleiche 26
D-53111 Bonn


VAT number: DE216969064

NeoFinder Licensing Purchase FAQ

How long does a license last? Do we need to purchase it every year?

A NeoFinder license stays valid for the major version of NeoFinder you have purchased.

Right now, that is version 8.x, and that license will work on all 8.x versions of NeoFinder that will be released until NeoFinder 9.0 will come out, possibly in late 2025.

You can keep a version 8.x license running with any NeoFinder 8.x as long as you can (and NeoFinder 8.x still works in newer future macOS versions you may be using).

Upgrades from NeoFinder 7.x, NeoFinder 6.x and CDFinder?

All upgrades require a valid CDFinder or NeoFinder user license of the same number of users (or for a cross-grade, a valid license of the other product)
We also offer upgrades for all other license packs in any size, please contact us for an offer!

I still haven't received my license key, what is going on?

Most likely, your mail server is not receiving or blocking our emails.

To get around this, please send us a different email address we could use, and that won't block our emails.

Also, always check all your mail folders for incoming mails, including a spam folder. Some email clients move our license email in a spam folder.

Or make sure that your mail server does not block the "" and "" domains.

I have only received a temporary license key?

When you purchase a NeoFinder license using your reseller FastSpring, you receive an email with a confirmation of your order.
As a service for you, this email already contains a temporary NeoFinder license key, so you can start using NeoFinder immediately.

You will receive your own permanent license key within the next five business days following that purchase directly from us, in a second email.

Usually, that even happens on the same day your purchase was made.

Please make sure that you did not block the "" and "" domains in your mail server, see above!

I have purchased NeoFinder with PayPal, when will I get my license key?

After the successful PayPal transaction, you will see a web page telling you that we will deliver your license key by email within at most five business days.
That page also includes a temporary license key that will get you started immediately

If you still haven't received your permanent key after five business days, please see above.

How do I enter my License Key into NeoFinder?

Use the command "Licenses..." in the NeoFinder application menu. There, you can load and activate the ".neofinderlicense" license key file we had sent you by email after your purchase.

Or just install NeoFinder and launch it once, and then double click on the ".neofinderlicense" file we have sent you by email. NeoFinder will then load and activate that license key.

Will my NeoFinder 6.x or NeoFinder 7.x license key work with NeoFinder 8?

No, you need an Upgrade. NeoFinder 8.x needs a new, different license key. You can purchase the Upgrade here in our store.

Can NeoFinder 7.x or NeoFinder 6.x use my new NeoFinder 8.x license key?

Yes, you can run both NeoFinder 8.x, and older NeoFinder 7.x and NeoFinder 6.x versions with the same new NeoFinder 8.x license key.
The active version of your license key is always displayed in the license window.

Export Control Compliance

NeoFinder is of European Union origin and is subject to the European Union export laws and regulations.
All versions of NeoFinder (or previously CDFinder) are unclassified and qualify for export license exception according to the General Software Note (GSN) in Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.

Therefore, no license for either export or selling the product is required.
Your local authorities may have other additional export control regulations. For instance, ECCN according to US BIS would be 5D992.
Our products are generally available to the public by being sold, without restriction, from stock at retail selling points (software resellers) by means of electronic transactions. All versions of NeoFinder are designed for installation by the user without further substantial support by the supplier. NeoFinder uses SSL encryption for authentication purposes only.

More information about the export of dual-use items from the EU can be found on following websites:

Praise for NeoFinder Mac

"I needed something that actually worked, and NeoFinder knocks it out of the park for under fifty bucks." David Gerwitz , ZDNet , USA

“I got to say i didn't really think my opinion of NeoFinder could get any better, i looked around at a lot of different asset manager stuff before i found NeoFinder, most of them expensive but without serving my needs. This quick and efficient customer service just verifies that i made a correct choice in choosing NeoFinder. Thank you and keep up the good work! :D " Catherine G. , Stockholm, Sweden

"I love NeoFinder. Having worked in Documentaries for a long time, this is the first time I've been blown away by your app. When shooting Docs, it's really easy to amass tons of footage and finding all of the footage, even though I am organized, was still a monumental task. Right now I am working with about 30 drives and what NeoFinder does in a flash, I used to do by using Excel and Print Window. Thank you, Thank you for creating this. I LOVE it!" Deborah D. , Boston, USA

"I love NeoFinder. I'm a mixing engineer and being ale to locate files across multiple drive within one application makes my workflow much more efficient."
Christopher S. , Texas, USA

"I just purchased NeoFinder and I just wanted to say that I wish I knew about it sooner! It has made it so easy to look through all of my hard drives for duplicate backups. The speed that it scans the drives is amazingly fast! It’s going to make my backups so much easier to manage in the future as well. Thanks again for providing such a great product!"
Rob C. , Idaho, USA

“I love the new update. (7.3.1) I cannot believe how fast this program opens. Previews, especially in gallery view are so much nicer. I just updated to Mojave a couple of days ago and am having no problems with your excellent software."
Kurt W, Minnesota, USA

“I’ve used CDFinder and now NeoFinder happily for years. I find myself using NeoFinder often times for attached disks because it is a quicker tool than Finder. Couldn’t do without it to manage many disks and files! Thanks for creating and maintaining such a useful application!"
Robert S. , Tucson, Arizona

"I am very impressed with how you continue improve this software over the years. I have offline data archives going back 12+ years, and have several occasions to pull old data for clients. NeoFinder makes this task painless, I consider it an indispensable tool for my design business. "
Mark T. , Colorado, USA

“I just wanted to let you know that your neo finder works very nicely for me and my monster catalog of items I imported from my CDFinder database. I really like how you can easily see the caption information in particular. I did some test searches and it really is a vast improvement over your previous program. I am very impressed and fully satisfied!"
Gary K, Sheboygan, USA

"I've been a long time user of NeoFinder/CD Finder (15 years?), and it is one of the few pieces of software I own that I know I can rely on and therefore part of my critical arsenal. It always works and keeps getting better and better. NeoFinder stays ahead of the pack in terms of features, reliability and OS compatibility. What more could one ask for. I wish Apple and Adobe had the same integrity and approach to their products."
Bryce B. London

"I wish I had known about NeoFinder much sooner. It would have saved me a lot of time and money wasted on slow catalogers that "lock out" the user during the scanning process. NeoFinder is so fast and customizable. It is perfect for cataloging not just disk contents and media, but as my Hard Disk Inventory cataloger, as well. Even with all the extras turned off, DiskCatalogMaker can take up to an hour to scan a large disk. NeoFinder took only a few minutes, and I could still use the software while it was scanning. Not only that, and this is most important, the other software does NOT save during nor immediately after scanning. Any error and DiskCatalogMaker would crash and all the work would be lost. DiskTracker chokes on large volumes of 2TB or larger."
Doug Ch., Virginia, USA

“I really do like NeoFinder: simple, fast, clean interface that was easy to master is a few minutes compared to some other softwares, the ability to manage not only images, but video, music, ... and all that for quite a very decent price !" Patrice M, France

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