Table of Contents       8. Workflow Integration

8.1 Drag & Drop

NeoFinder is very nicely integrated into macOS by using drag & drop.

Here is a list of things you can do in NeoFinder that way.

Drag a volume or
folder from the Finder into NeoFinder to catalog it.

Drag a catalog from NeoFinder to the Finder to
Export it to a text or XML format.

Drag a file from a NeoFinder Catalog to the Finder to copy it to that location. If you hold down the Command and Alt key when you drop the file(s), macOS will not copy the file(s), but create an Alias right where you dropped it.

Drag a file from the Finder into NeoFinder to
Import it, if it is a known foreign catalog or export format.
Note: Due to the very ambiguous file name suffix schemes, there are uncounted file formats named .xml, for example, and it is a much better idea to use the Import Manager in NeoFinder to specify what format you want to import.

Drag a file from the Finder into the NeoFinder symbol in the macOS Dock, and NeoFinder will open the
More Finder Info Inspector for this file, so you can see and even edit the metadata.

Drag a file or folder from a NeoFinder catalog into a
NeoFinder Album to add it to the Album.

Drag catalogs in the NeoFinder LIBRARY
into catalog folders in that same library to group them together.

Drag Albums into
Album Groups.

Drag Smart Folders into
Smart Folder Groups.

Drag a photo from the Finder or a web page into the
Find Similar Photos windows to find similar photos in NeoFinder.

Drag a Keyword from the Controlled Vocabulary on a file in a NeoFinder catalog to add that keyword to the file, if that is possible.

Drag a Keyword from the Controlled Vocabulary on the Finder Tags or XMP Keywords text editor in the Inspector to add it.

Drag a Person from the Person List on a file in a NeoFinder catalog to add that keyword to the file, if that is possible.

Drag a Person from the Person List on the XMP Persons text editor in the Inspector to add it.


8.1 Drag & Drop
8.2 NeoFinder in the Finder Services Menu
8.3 QuickLook
8.4 Roxio Toast Titanium Integration
8.5 FileMaker Pro Integration
8.6 Delete and Rename items from inside NeoFinder
8.7 NeoFinder and Tags
8.8 iCloud Drive
8.9 NeoFinder and Alfred
8.10 Notification Center
8.11 Open with...
8.12 Default Applications
8.13 Light Table
8.14 Rename multiple files
8.15 Slideshow
8.16 Save Copy as...