Table of Contents       8. Workflow Integration

8.12 Default Applications

Is there a way to set up some default applications that NeoFinder should use to open particular file types for you?

NeoFinder uses the default application for a file type as set in macOS. So double clicking a file in NeoFinder is exactly the same as if you’d double click that file directly in the Finder.

So you can use the Get Info window of the macOS
Finder to set up which application you want to use to open that particular file, or all files of the same file suffix.

Select the file in NeoFinder, and use the
"Reveal in Finder" command to have the macOS Finder show the file for you.

Then open the
Get Info window in the Finder for that file.


The "Open with" section of the Finder Get Info window has the necessary controls you want to check out.


8.1 Drag & Drop
8.2 NeoFinder in the Finder Services Menu
8.3 QuickLook
8.4 Roxio Toast Titanium Integration
8.5 FileMaker Pro Integration
8.6 Delete and Rename items from inside NeoFinder
8.7 NeoFinder and Tags
8.8 iCloud Drive
8.9 NeoFinder and Alfred
8.10 Notification Center
8.11 Open with...
8.12 Default Applications
8.13 Light Table
8.14 Rename multiple files
8.15 Slideshow
8.16 Save Copy as...