Table of Contents       3. Catalog your data

3.20 Catalog Box, Amazon S3, and many other Cloud servers

While NeoFinder has integrated code to access BlackBlaze B2 and Dropbox cloud servers, there are countless others available, too.

With a little help, NeoFinder can Catalog these servers for you as well.

NeoFinder works seamlessly with the very cool
Mountain Duck software (, which is a third-party tool to virtually mount a large number of cloud provider servers as a virtual volume on your Mac.

mountain duck icon

Mountain Duck supports NextCloud, ownCloud, Box, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, BackBlaze, FTP, WebDAV, and a lot more.

NeoFinder can
catalog the contents of these virtually mounted volumes, even including metadata and thumbnails, if you need that. Or just catalog certain folders of your data on these cloud servers.

NeoFinder has also been expanded to safely identify these special virtual volumes properly, so you can use them like a regular file server with NeoFinder, view them, search them, or organize your data on them.


Most unfortunately, due to limitations in macOS, Aliases do not work with virtual volumes in a way that they can mount such a server when needed. Also, NeoFinder cannot automatically mount a Mountain Duck volume if you need it, like it can for SMB or other file servers, for that same reason. Please manually mount the necessary Mountain Duck service in that case, using the Mountain Duck tool in the main menu of your Mac.

As reading metadata and thumbnails requires NeoFinder to tell Mountain Duck to download not only information about the files and folders, but the actual file data as well, this may be slow, and in the case of BackBlaze and possibly other providers, cause download fees.

There are also other products with similar abilities, like NetDrive, ExpanDrive and CloudMounter, although we haven't tested these with NeoFinder yet.


3.1 Catalog one volume
3.2 Catalog many volumes (Batch Catalog)
3.3 Cataloging settings
3.4 Automatically catalog volumes when they are ejected
3.5 Update existing catalogs
3.6 Import existing catalogs of other applications
3.7 Catalog a Folder
3.8 AutoMount
3.9 AutoUpdater: Update Catalogs automatically at a certain time
3.10 Exclude certain files and folders from cataloging
3.11 Catalog “cloned” disks
3.12 Catalog disks with a Time Machine backup
3.13 Catalog your iTunes music database
3.14 Catalog your Aperture, iPhoto, Lightroom, or Apples “” database
3.15 Catalog your Backblaze B2 cloud storage
3.16 Manage Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer files
3.17 Catalog your Dropbox
3.18 Securely store your actual media
3.19 Update media files