Table of Contents       15. NeoFinder and Music

15.1 Audio Converter

NeoFinder is able to convert your song files into other formats now!

This only works if
ffmpeg is installed and working, you will get an error message otherwise.

Select one or multiple song files, and use the
Convert Audio… command in the context menu or the Item menu.

audio converter

NeoFinder will show you the settings window for the conversion parameters to be used for all selected songs.

Select all settings with care, as they greatly influence the output, of course.

File Format currently contains the usual suspects, .mp3, .m4a (AAC), AIFF, Apple Lossless, WAVE, but also FLAC, OGG, and Apples CAF (Core Audio Format).

Audio Bitrate allows you to specify the bitrate you need, from 32K to 256K. The larger the value, the better the result. Some formats allow VBR (variable bit rate), if they do, that option is active as well.

Sample Rate allows you to specify the sample rate, which is only available for some file formats.

Number of Channels currently allows 1 (mono) and 2 (stereo). If you need more, please contact us.

Copy metadata will copy the entire metadata from the original file to the new song file for you.

Convert button will cause NeoFinder to ask you for the location folder in which the converted file(s) are to be placed. The newly created music files with use the same name as the original files, but of course with a different file name suffix, depending on the file format you have selected.

Once confirmed, the audio conversion will start. And of course, it will work completely
in the background, so you can continue working with NeoFinder while the conversion takes place.

We are happy to hear your feedback and comments! We know that there are probably many additional settings you want to use, so tell us about it!

NeoFinder currently supports these
source formats for the audio conversion:


15 NeoFinder and Music

16 NeoFinder and Audio-CDs